Translation by Tinatin Khaukhchishvili: “Sensible, or moderate... Completely pure, clean... laid one’s hand on... started (some kind of job)... grave, tomb... backwards... To their successors... And of those who made it (some stela of a female gender?) in a written document (possibly a formal complaint)... cut out (written) and stela... Neither some people, nor the invincible (or the ones who cannot be negotiated with) should be impeded... They had better follow the written (rule)... Both from them and from women… and all the others who will add and who will count…. And the stela erected in Suri…. The Earth and the Sun and the Moon… and may all (female gender) be merciful... Neither those who had it in mind and those who take action... All the opposite was done against the negotiators... The great gods … Yet, nothing (only particles)… to the hungry (or all of them)
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