ECG014. Greek inscription plaque of Nukha

Material: Limestone

Object type: Building plaque


Text: w 47 x h 12 cm

Letters: ასოების სიმაღლე ზოგჯერ 5სმ-მდე აღწევს, II სტრიქონს დაახლ. 3 სმ უჭირავს, III-ს დაახლ. 2 სმ.

The inscription seems to be done carelessly, not deeply carved. The 1st line is with big letters, the 2nd line with more narrow letters, the letters get smaller at the end of the inscription. The 3th line is written even with smaller letters. The height of the letters in the first line - up to 5 cm, in the 2nd line - approx. 3 cm, 3td line - approx. 2cm.

Date: I AD (lettering)

Findspot: ნუხა

Original location: Nukha

Last recorded location(s): საქართველოს ეროვნული მუზეუმი 46

Text type:Unknown

Editor(s): Tinatin Kaukhchishvili

Publication details:Ilia State University, Institute of Linguistic Studies; დოკუმენტი ვრცელდება Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 ლიცენზიით.


Αἴλιος Ἰάσων
Εὐνών(scil. ῃ) τῷ εὐερ-
γέτ(scil. ῃ) μνήμης χάριν



Translation (ka)

აილიოს იასონი ევნონეს ევერგეტს (კეთილისმყოფელს) სახსოვრად.

Translation (English)

Ailios Iason in memory of Eunone Everget (the benefactor).


Tinatin Kaukhchishvili: The ευ diphthong in "εουεργέτης" is represented with εου, it is common to represent ευ diphthong by ευ or εου in this period. I.e. in fact ευ diphthong is for ev and v and in that case we have the usage of ου and υ (and then β). The shape of the letters allows us to give the date to the inscription (round C, trident shape ω, α and λ are longer on the up right base), linguistic norm (εου=ευ), personal name (Αἴλιος = lat. Aelius) and the entire formula (ending with μνήμης χάριν). Amiranashvili A. dates the inscription to II-III centuries, but supports the date of the II century. Among the letters of the inscription A in the 1st line and H in the 2nd line are peculier (if both are done on the basis of careless carving ). Letter M is also catching our eye. Other letters are of totally regular shape . NO case of i- subscriptum (ευνωνη, εουεργετη). The plaque could be part of the monument in Nukha (Azerbaijan).


საუერი, 1931 თინათინ ყაუხჩიშვილი, საქართველოს ბერძნული წარწერების კორპუსი, 254

ყაუხჩიშვილი, 1951 თინათინ ყაუხჩიშვილი, ბერძნული წარწერები საქართველოში, 240-241


   Fig. 1. Building plaque from Nukha