Material: Local stone
Object type: Facade
Dimensions: w 87/101 x h 138 cm
Decoration: Relief frame
Text: Six line inscription. All of the lines are preserved without any damage. The inscription is located on the central bas-relief of the east facade of the Jvari Monastery church, on the plaque shaped as an irregular rectangle which is encircled by an embossed frame with a cornice on top. The illustration consists of: image of Christ en face and Stephen on his knees in front of him. The inscription is placed above Stephen’s head, on an empty area. w 36 x h 43 cm
Letters: Engraved Asomtavruli inscription.
Date: 595-605 AD (lettering)
Findspot: Jvari Monastery, Mtskheta
Original location: Jvari Monastery, Mtskheta
Last recorded location(s): Jvari Monastery, Mtskheta
Text type:Unknown
Editor(s): Nodar Shoshiashvili
Changes history:2019-11-06 Eka Kvirkvelia ტექსტის სრული კოდირება, მეტამონაცემების სრული კოდირება, ბმულებით დაკავშირება ავტორიტეტულ წყაროსთან
Publication details:ილიას სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი, ლინგვისტურ კვლევათა ინსტიტუტი; Ilia State University, Institute of Linguistic Studies; დოკუმენტი ვრცელდება Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 ლიცენზიით.
Holy cross of our Savior, have mercy on Stephen, Patrikios of Kartli.
According to the Corpus of Georgian Inscriptions by Nodar Shoshiashvili the inscription #68. Iv. Javakhishvili considers that the inscription can be dated to the end of the VI century. He specifies that the historian Vakhushti has assigned 600-619 years for Stephen the I serving as Patrikios. The builder of the churches, Stephen the Patrikios of Kartli, appears to be the brother of Demetrius Hypatos (source: Conversion of Kartli (chronicle) II, 724). Stephen the I, on the basis of the minted coins of the period - 590-591 can be regarded the ruler of Kartli. His name disappears as a ruler of east Georgia from approx. 604-605, till 606 year. He could have received the rank of Patrikios only from the Caesar of Byzantium during the period when the east part of Georgia was under the domain of Byzantine empire i.e. 591-604 years. Demetrius Hypatos should have received his rank during the same period of time. Thus, the inscriptions should belong to the same period of the last decades of the VI century.
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