ECG053. Bolnisi Sioni Cathedral 494 year, memorial of the builder and the laborers

Material: Local stone

Object type: Plaque

Dimensions: cm

Text: Eight line inscription. The inscription is located on the east facade of Bolnisi Sioni Cathedral on top of the window apse. There is the medallion with the shape of “Bolnisi Cross” in the middle of the inscription between the lines 3-6. w 91 x h 54 cm

Letters: Embossed Asomtavruli inscription 6

Date: 494 AD (lettering)

Findspot: Bolnisi Sioni Bolnisi Sioni Cathedral is located in Kvemo Kartli, 9 km away from city Bolnisi to the south, 1 km distance from the village Bonis-Khachini.

Original location: Bolnisi Sioni

Last recorded location(s): Bolnisi Sioni

Text type:Unknown

Editor(s): Nodar Shoshiashvili

Changes history:2019-10-29 Eka Kvirkvelia ტექსტის სრული კოდირება, მეტამონაცემების სრული კოდირება, ბმულებით დაკავშირება ავტორიტეტულ წყაროსთან

Publication details:Ilia State University, Institute of Linguistic Studies; დოკუმენტი ვრცელდება Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 ლიცენზიით.


ქ(რისტ)ე დ(ავი)თ ეპ[ისკ]ოპისი კრებ[უ-]
ლითურთ და ამას ეკ-
ლესია[ს]ა შინა შენდ-
ა მიმართ თაჳ-
ნი შეიწყალენ და
[მშრ]ომელთა ამას ეკლე-
[სიასა ში]ნა შეხეწიე ი(ყავნ) ი(ყავნ)


[..... ..]ႬႠ ႸႤႾႤႼႨႤ Ⴈ Ⴈ


Christ, have mercy on Bishop David with his congregation and on all the faithful who worship you in this church, aid the laborers of this church (According to Korneli Kekelidze, the “laborers” refer to those who look after the sick or bury the dead), Amen, Amen


According to the Corpus of Georgian Inscriptions by Nodar Shoshiashvili, the inscription N3 was first published by Mari Brose in 1856 (See Melanges Asiatiques, II, pp. 322-323). The inscription does not have spaces between the words. No spaces between the words., and the symbol of abbreviation is a short, straight horizontal line (its remains are only visible on the second word in the text, the other one on top of the first word is damaged). The inscription is quite archaic in paleographic terms. The graphemes ბ, ყ and ჳ have their heads engaged. შ is also engaged on top in the 3rd line (in the word shina). In linguistic terms a special interest attaches to the Khanmeti type verbal form: შეხეწიე (shekhetsie), ხ - is the indirect object pronoun of the third person. According to Korneli Kekelidze the “laborers” refer to those who look after the sick or bury the dead. According to Ivane Javakhishvili, Bishop David with his accompanied people were not the builders of this church, there is no proof that he was involved in the construction works. He also suggests that Bishop David from Bolnisi had signed the ecumenical document that was registered by Kavad, King of Persia, Babgen, Catholicos-Patriarch of Armenia and Gabriel, Catholicos Patriarch of Kartli for neglecting the resolution of the council Chalcedon. Ivane Javakhishvili considers that Bishop David mentioned in the inscription is the same person who ordered to carve the above mentioned inscription. It is clearly possible that the name David could have been the name of other Bishops of Bolnisi Cathedral. It is also true that the names of the patriarchs were not repeated that often by that time in Georgia. The name “David” was not that widespread in ancient times than it was later when the belief about the heritage of Bagrationi dynasty from Biblical David was a common belief in Georgia. As Bishop David is a participant of this ecumenical council, Ivane Javakhishvili assumes that the inscription should be dated to the end of the V century or beginning of the VI century.


შოშიაშვილი, 1980 ნოდარ შოშიაშვილი, ქართული წარწერების კორპუსი, ლაპიდარული წარწერები, 67-68

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ჩუბინაშვილი, 1940 Н. Г. Чубинашвили, Болнисский сион, 63-68

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შანიძე, იმნაიშვილი, 1949 ქართული ენის ისტორიული ქრესტომათია

თარხნიშვილი, 1950 M. Tarchnišvili, Les récentes découverstes épigraphiques et litteraires en géorgien, 250

MIA CSCO Vol 166 I. Molitor MIA CSCO, 1, 1

შანიძე, 1957 აკაკი შანიძე, ქართული ენის სტრუქტურისა და ისტორიის საკითხები, 278

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 [Open image]  Fig. 1.