Material: Clay
Object type: Lamp
Text: w 8 x h 6,5 cm
Date: წარწერის ენობრივი და პალეოგრაფიული თავისებურებებიდან გამომდინარე წარწერა II-III სს-ში AD უნდა იყოს შესრულებული. (lettering)
Findspot: Sokhumi found in 1954 with three other lamps in a ruined ancient tower east of the Sukhumi railway station during the excavations of M.M. Trapsh.
Original location: Sokhumi
Last recorded location(s): Sokhumi State Museum 72-153
Text type:Unknown
Editor(s): Tinatin Kaukhchishvili
Publication details:Ilia State University, Institute of Linguistic Studies; დოკუმენტი ვრცელდება Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 ლიცენზიით.
a unique combination of the Greek and Latin name for the god, J. Μαρκῦριν: the only example of such a transliteration of Latin Mercurius, K. (1958); for Μερκούριος in Greek inscriptions of the imperial period, cf. CIG II 3705 LL. 4/5 (Apollonia ad Rhyndacum); the spelling is perhaps influenced by μάρτυρος in early Christian texts, J. [hardly plausible; in CIG II 3705, Μερκούριος is a personal name of a new Roman citizen, presumably a Latin translation of his earlier Greek name: Γάϊος Ἰούλιος Ἑρμᾶς ὁ | καὶ Μερκούριος; the anthroponym Μερκούριος is well-attested in Greek inscriptions, but our text is one of the few attesting its use for the god himself, Kantor; see SEG 59 1659 for Ἑρμῆς/Μερκούριος in the Lebanon, Tybout]. Chaniotis, A., T. Corsten, N. Papazarkadas, and R.A. Tybout, eds. 2013. Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum. 59-1624. Leiden – Boston.
საუერი, 1931 თინათინ ყაუხჩიშვილი, საქართველოს ბერძნული წარწერების კორპუსი, 77-78