Material: Local stone
Object type: Facade
Dimensions: w 174 x h 55 cm
Text: Five line inscription. Located on the top of the facade of the door on the rectangular grey color stone. w 125 x h 42 cm
Letters: Engraved Asomtavruli inscription. 5-7
Date: X AD (lettering)
Findspot: Zemo Nikozi, Archangel Church The church is located in Zemo Nikozi 3 km away from Tskhinvali to the south.
Original location: Zemo Nikozi, Archangel Church
Last recorded location(s): Zemo Nikozi, Archangel Church
Text type:Unknown
Editor(s): Nodar Shoshiashvili
Changes history:2019-11-05 Eka Kvirkvelia ტექსტის სრული კოდირება, მეტამონაცემების სრული კოდირება, ბმულებით დაკავშირება ავტორიტეტულ წყაროსთან
Publication details:ილიას სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი, ლინგვისტურ კვლევათა ინსტიტუტი; Ilia State University, Institute of Linguistic Studies; დოკუმენტი ვრცელდება Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 ლიცენზიით.
In the name of the God, I, Bishop Michael of Nikozi built this holy church, which is the house of the God and the gate to the heavens, home of holy Mary, mother of Jesus and of the Archangel, for praying for my soul.
According to the Corpus of Georgian Inscriptions by Nodar Shoshiashvili the inscription #93. The inscription does not contain any mark of separation. No spaces between the words. Dating the inscription according to the paleographic data: shape of the graphemes, Ⴊ has quite big circle and short neck joins the circle in the middle; the base of the grapheme Ⴔ does not exceed the circle; the upper left edge of the letter Ⴢ is leaned and departs from the lower edge. Letter Ⴌ is represented with Mkhedruli alphabet; tendency of lengthen the letters to adjust the four line format. Words follow each other without leaving out the space. Ligature; orthography: usage of Ⴈ instead of Ⴢ. Ornaments and carvings of the church. Four capital letters graphemes are engraved above this inscription on the low left corner of the stone along the wallstones of the right wall: Ⴟ~Ⴈ ႱႨ - ჯ(უარ)ი (ქრისტე)სი cross of Jesus. Marie Brosset mentions two more words: : ႫႵႪ ႤႡႩႦႨ - მ(ი)ქ(აე)ლ ებ(ის)კ(ოპო)ზი Bishop Michael, those words are not visible currently. I. Megrelidze also had not noticed the following graphemes: Ⴟ~Ⴈ ႱႨ.
შოშიაშვილი, 1980 ნოდარ შოშიაშვილი, ქართული წარწერების კორპუსი, 185-186
ბროსე, 1851 M. Brosset, Rapports VI, 54
საძაგელოვი, 1898 Г. Садзагелов-Ивериели. Описание Никозкой Михайло-архангельской церкви в Карталинии, 37
მეგრელიძე, 1952 ივანე მეგრელიძე, სტალინირის და ზემო ნიქოზის სიძველეები, 279